Welcome Forums Requests Features that might be useful in regards of a battle system Reply To: Features that might be useful in regards of a battle system


I have a few things i want in a battle system or something like that
Firstly i would like to have a ‘Level System’
This could include : Level, Attack, Defense, Speed, Class, Weapon and Armor

Then i would also like a shop system with: Shopkeeper type and various different items.

I would also aprecciate if you could choose your battle system in the editor screen.
There you could choose between different battle systems like : Open world battle, D&D , Turn based, etc

I’d like if we had an inventory system where you could : Equip items, use healing or other types of items and potions, manage your stuff and move items to chests.

I also want Chests. This would be a place where: you could find items and store them.