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I have no doubt the current output is correct. Sure, I’m also merely a human and sometimes making my mistakes. But this time you can trust me: As an old programmer I say you it is the calculation, not the output. Try it yourself, if you don’t believe me. Your code will give us the same output.

Do you know the real difference between my and your approach?
Your code is slighly faster than mine if the HP is low. Because, if the HP is low, the computer does not need to process all the if statements. However, since computers are that fast, we’ll not notice, even if they have to process my way of coding here. I chose this implementation, because of the better readability.

Also, I’ve been wondering for a while how many nested scopes RPG Playground can take. At some point, if you do it the way you do, it’s going to end. With my way of coding, on the other hand, I can go on like this for several A4 pages if I enjoy it, without RPG Playground running out of steam.

Thank you for trying to help. But this time, I’m pretty sure we need deWiTTERS to fix this.