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Some actors allows to edit their tilesets. Perhaps we should have the ability to tag uploaded tilesets with something in order to keep things in perspective. Let’s call it “licenselet” or something alike.
We should be able to use licenselets as the following:
Imagine someone would like to edit one of Jamie Brownhill’s tilesets and would like to provide the edited version for other game creators. This certain tileset of Jamie Bronhill could have its own unique licenselet. To edit the tileset this unique licenselet is required. The editied tileset should be tagged with the same licenselet of this original tileset. The user who edited the tileset is responsible for tagging the edited one and a moderator could check if everything is fine. The user also could demand a licenselet for the edited version. With this the engine can automatically figure out to mention “Jamie Brownhill” as the original creator and also to mention the user who edited the tileset as an “editor” afterwards. Above this, the engine could make sure to give access only to those who licensed the creators licenselet.