Welcome Forums General Cooking Game?

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  • #20932

    Would anyone be interested in a cooking game?


    I’m currently making one atm and I was wondering if people would wanna play it :>

    Some features that I’d incorporate into it are quests involving different recipes/dishes, collecting various ingredients in an open-world type setting, and upgrading certain things (such as your stove so you can unlock stove-oriented recipes for example).

    Also, if you would be interested, what are some types of things you’d like to see in a cooking-oriented game?


    That would be cool! The ‘Show info dialog’ feature (https://trello.com/c/BPue9bdC) would be really nice to have here. I hope to work on that soon.


    Yes! That would be awesome! For now I’m just going to use tokens and have an actor say what the player is receiving, but that update would be super helpful!


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