I’m sure you get suggestions like this all the time but do you think we could get a feature that displays currency or at least a way that could make it easy to make ourselves? using the info thing in interface takes a lot of time for me, maybe I’m doing it wrong. Would you consider making a video on how to make a currency counter with info thing in interface? Just so I know it’s possible in an easier way than how I do it now. Thank you, love this website.
That will be coming soon but will be a premium feature. To do it now means a lot of code, copy and pasting and EVERY time you gain currency or buy something you have to copy and paste the code in. That’s not too bad, but what if your hero can get 1000+ gold?
Soon that will be really easy. I’ll give you a quick preview :).
So this is the new inventory dialog that will be released soon. On the top right there, I’m going to put the “money” (you will be able to rename it). Manipulating it will be done with actions “hero inventory money increases with 5” etc.
This money will also be used when I implement shops.