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  • #1208
    shay slay

    Not sure why, but for some reason I am having a rough go of it trying to use the ‘if’ and ‘else’ feature. Either my characters refuse to talk and nothing happens, or they say one chunk of lines and not the other (regardless of receiving tokens). I’m not quite sure what I’m doing wrong, but any advice would be much appreciated.

    (If your suggestion is to re-read the manual, trust me friend, I have many many times haha. For some reason it just isn’t clicking for me)


    Hey. I’m planning on making screenplays a bit easier to use. But in the mean time, you will have to do it with the current interface :(.

    Can you share your game so I can take a look at what is going wrong?

    shay slay

    http://rpgplayground.com/the-game/?prj=594958dd2ebc410004e2dcd2 is where I’m practicing dialogue while creating my other world. I love the screenplay feature, I just have to be taught how to use it better haha. I’ve got the basics down, and can make the characters move where I want them to, I just can’t seem to figure out the ‘else’ ‘if’ portion yet.


    I was hoping to see an incorrect ‘if’ in one of your screenplays, but I didn’t. But I will take a guess at what you are doing wrong.

    You can look at an if as some kind of bullet list, like this:

    - if hero has token "sword"
        - guard says "nice, I see you have the sword"
    - else
        - guard says "you need a sword"

    But forget the ‘-‘ bullets, and make sure the things after the if that need to be done are 4 spaces from the left, like this:

    if hero has token "sword"
        guard says "nice, I see you have the sword"
        guard says "you need a sword"

    If it’s not clear, save your game with a screenplay that doesn’t work, and I will fix it for you

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