Welcome Forums Game Contests The challenge of the beginner tutorial

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  • #3938

    I challenge anyone to make the first part of a tutorial game, that will be shown to all new RPG Playground users.

    See http://rpgplayground.com/help-us-build-the-official-tutorial-game/ for more background info.


    • Base your game on a bare bones tutorial that I created at http://rpgplayground.com/forums/topic/official-beginner-tutorial/
    • You can change anything of the above bare-bones game. So don’t feel limited by it.
    • Remark that this is the first small part of the full tutorial. So don’t try to turn it into a fully completed tutorial. It will be extended later on with other challenges.
    • Don’t give the player too much freedom. Make it a guided tour where you don’t get lost.
    • Start really easy, with the most basic thing possible. Screenplay actions are already really advanced, and should be in later tutorial levels.
    • Show some cool RPG Playground features early on, so that new users are excited to make their own game.
    • Since it’s a busy upcoming period, finish your game before Monday 7th of January.
    • To enter this contest, please reply to this topic so people know you are joining.
    • Before the deadline, share your game on the forum, and reply here with a link to your shared game.
    • deWiTTERS (yeah that’s me) picks the winner, and will integrate that game into RPG Playground itself.



    Sounds like a cool idea. I’ll give it a go.



    I’ll do this.


    One more idea: Instead of starting the story as a tutorial, you could also start it as an exciting adventure. The player might have to learn game making skills to save the world 😀




    couldn’t figure out how to delete comments, so here’s some filler.


    Challenge has ended! Only 1 entry from Tinybox?



    Oh, crud! I forgot to do this!

    shay slay

    I know you said this was over but…is it really over? lol If it is, I won’t waste my time attempting to make a tutorial. But if it isn’t, I’ll make one haha.


    I lost track of this tutorial, and didn’t have the time yet to incorporate it into RPG Playground. So sure, you can work on this :).

    Now that we have a lobby at the start screen, I could put it right under the “new game”

    shay slay

    Okay cool 🙂 Here’s the style I was thinking of :

    I’m unsure if it’s helpful or if I should try a different tact. What do you think? It’s very short so far.

    Shae’s Quick Tutorial Try

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