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  • #57833


    Hey RetroGuy23, I know you posted this with the best intentions, but there are some problems with these graphics

    That last image seems to be taken from https://pixanna.nl/materials/celiannas-parallax-tiles/interior-tiles/, which clearly states in the license:

    “Can only be used in RPG Maker VX and RPG Maker VX Ace, and in NO other game engine.”

    Probably because it’s based on RPG Maker graphics. This is the exact reason why I’m afraid when users can upload their own graphics.

    So summary: I’m not going to steal the graphics of some artist and freely use them in this engine without even any credits. And DEFINITELY not when they are adaptions from official RPG Maker RTP.


    Oops… Well, I’ll take a closer look when I’m looking for an image.


    Great would be, if they’re some artists who would like to draw for RPG Playground directly and sell licenses to the users here. But how could the RPG Playground team make sure they are really the creators of those graphics? Perhaps the best way would be if artists have a contract with RPG Playground and state that they’re really the creators of the uploaded graphic packages. In case of modifications a reference to the original packages on RPG Playground is needed. Well… On the other hand the same goes for game creators and their stories. If people call their games e. g. “Pokémon” or “Legend of Zelda” RPG Playground sooner or later will have a problem.


    Yes, that is definitely on my list. I already have so great assets that I’m watching :). For example I know Jamie Brownhill follows me on Twitter, and he has some great tilesets: https://jamiebrownhill.itch.io/


    Jamie Brownhill having GREAT tilesets could help RPG Playground. 🙂


    Some actors allows to edit their tilesets. Perhaps we should have the ability to tag uploaded tilesets with something in order to keep things in perspective. Let’s call it “licenselet” or something alike.
    We should be able to use licenselets as the following:
    Imagine someone would like to edit one of Jamie Brownhill’s tilesets and would like to provide the edited version for other game creators. This certain tileset of Jamie Bronhill could have its own unique licenselet. To edit the tileset this unique licenselet is required. The editied tileset should be tagged with the same licenselet of this original tileset. The user who edited the tileset is responsible for tagging the edited one and a moderator could check if everything is fine. The user also could demand a licenselet for the edited version. With this the engine can automatically figure out to mention “Jamie Brownhill” as the original creator and also to mention the user who edited the tileset as an “editor” afterwards. Above this, the engine could make sure to give access only to those who licensed the creators licenselet.


    Yes, I was thinking a lot about this lately, and unfortunately it can become pretty complex.


    Yeah… Hopefully, sometime in the future, the engine can support it.


    Can we help you thinking somehow? Perhaps with an online mindmap we could collect all our thoughts regarding “licenselets”. A mindmap can help us to reduce the complexity of the whole function by disassembling one complex functionality into smaller tasks or topics. They again can be disassembled into even smaller tasks or topics and so on. At the end we got branches with questions or tasks which we can easily answer or solve. The answers for those branches helps us to understand the more complex nodes above. That way, mindmaps already helped me to solve many complex programming tasks, which were difficult to understand and therefore also difficult to implement. What do you think? Could a mindmap be the right tool for you to help you with this and also let us discuss about possible implementations?


    It could somehow…


    The main complexity is which strategy I want to use I guess. Don’t worry, the idea just needs to ripe in my head. I still have some other things to implement first.


    Good thinking! 🙂



    I have those already, but didn’t add them yet because they need extra implementation work.

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