Community Rules

Hello, and welcome to the RPG Playground Community! Please introduce yourself in the forum or on Discord; we’d love to meet you!

The following rules apply to our forum and Discord community:

  1. Be kind and welcoming. Some ways to do this are helping others, being encouraging, and even leaving constructive feedback on someone’s game!
  2. Be respectful of everyone. There will be absolutely no toleration for bullying, harassment, trolling, or anything of the like. Hate and hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated, including referring to others by slurs. Use your judgment.
  3. In that vein, sexually explicit discussion and profanity are off-limits. We have creators from all ages and backgrounds, so be considerate when posting. When in doubt, it’s best to lean towards the side of caution.
  4. Mention your favorite video game in your introduction so it’s clear you’ve read the rules. 🙂
  5. deWiTTERS and the mods reserve the right of judgment and of making the final call about the acceptability and how to deal with any content posted, whether or not it’s listed above. We’re not allowing anything illegal or hurtful. Be sensible, and you’ll be fine.
  6. If there are any concerns or anything you feel needs to be addressed, please contact deWiTTERS or any of the mods! deWiTTERS can be found at, and all of us are on discord and the forums. Welcome, and we can’t wait to see what you create!

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at It’s also heavily referenced from the Widomauk discord server rules, created by Grey.