Welcome Forums Requests suggestions so far

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  • #536


    copy paste scenes would be a big time saver.
    spelling dictionary within character scripts.
    cut scene creator to help dramatize the acts. for example when moving from one scene to another add a black screen with writing “as the hero walked the dark woods an overwhelming feeling had overcome him, he wanted to stop, but knew he must continue onward”


    Just a list of features I would like to see.

    -Duplicate and rename scenes would be very useful.

    -Click and drag to keep putting down the same element from the tileset to every square you run the mouse over.

    -Conditional scripting – if/or/else/while for actors with dropdowns of premade variables and functions (like in RPG Maker)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Akninshar.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Akninshar.
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