Welcome Forums Requests Make a Section for Beds


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  • #61389
    Cartoon Personality

    Could you make a section called Beds? You could create beds and bed sheets the same way you create all the other game items. Only difference is that you could make the sheets the top layer that would cover the character while the bed and pillows are in a layer under the characters. You could also have different colors and pattern bed sheets and pillows. I would love if also you could have beds that look like the character is standing on the beds and ones where they could lay under. I hope what I am suggesting makes sense. 🙂


    I guess we need to be able to manipulate layers for that. There are some beds in various tilesets, but I never tested them to see if a character can lay in them.

    Added this feature at https://trello.com/c/EAbQBQKn, so give it a vote! 🙂

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