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Hey Intenscia,

Really cool to have you on our forum! You did a really nice job with moddb.com and indiedb.com, and I hope you can manage to get mod.io as popular as those platforms.

I looked into mod.io when it was released, but I’m afraid it doesn’t fit into the concept of RPG Playground. Currently my backend is all custom made (and pretty simple), but it allows me to have full control over what might come in the future. Things such as versioning, live editing with multiple people, … probably needs a custom solution.
Some users also don’t want to their game to be publicly visible. And each game needs to support comments, rating, etc.

Also don’t underestimate the number of games. I’m now hosting 8464 projects, so when my platform really takes off (fingers crossed ;)), that number could increase significantly. In that case, I need custom algorithms to sort the most popular games (probably based on playtime, not number of views).

So in the end I don’t think it makes sense for me to use a mod API. But I’m always open to discuss this further with you.

PS: I was looking into adding RPG Playground to IndieDB, and in the end it was your presskit() support that pulled me in.