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Yes, there is!
Let’s say we have token A, token B, and token C. While we can’t reliably give the player feedback for what token they need, we can block them out if they don’t have one of the three. The code goes like this:
if hero lacks token “A”
(four spaces) Guard says “I can’t let you pass, you don’t have token A!”
(four spaces) if hero lacks token “B”
(eight spaces) Guard says “I can’t let you pass, you don’t have token B!”
(four spaces) else
(eight spaces) if hero lacks token “C”
(twelve spaces) Guard says “I can’t let you pass, you don’t have token B!”
(eight spaces) else
(Twelve spaces) Guard says “You have all the tokens! I can let you pass!”
I hope that helps, and feel free to ask if you need clarification. Good luck! 😀