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I see why… The if and else have to be on the same indent level. I rewrote it and changed some things, tested it, and it works. It would be written;


if hero lacks token “Quest #1: Missing Animals 100%”

(four spaces)hero says “Hello.”

(four spaces)Animal_Guy says “Please find my missing animals!”

(four spaces)hero says “OK!”

(four spaces)hero receives token “Quest #1: Missing Animals 0%”

(four spaces)interface info text becomes “Quest #1: Missing Animals”


(four spaces)interface info text becomes “Quest #1: Finished”

(four spaces)hero says “Here’s your animals!”

(four spaces)Animal_Guy says “Thanks! Please take 5$ as a reward!”

(four spaces)hero number of “coins” increases with 10

(four spaces)interface info text becomes “”