Welcome Forums General Could we have a Play page update?

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  • #4100

    The Play page, to put it simply, is obsolete. To my knowledge, most people find games through the forums now, rather than the Play page. Some of the “recent” games up there are from before the 3 Orbs challenge, which was 10 months ago. Now, the games from that time period are fun as ever, but are shadowing games that are more recent, and likely have more details.


    So I propose an update to the Play page. There should be 3 sections, each with their own subsections: Relics, for games before the 3 Orbs challenge; New, for games that have been published no more than one month prior; and Renowned, for the games that have had overwhelmingly positive reviews and few criticisms. Relics are there to show how far the engine has come, so it need not be updated. New is there so that all games have a fair chance. Renowned is there to give aspiration to make even greater games.


    Games should also be available from the creators’ pages in their own sidebar, so that they are more accessible. Genre subsections are a fine idea, but need not be executed in practice.


    Dungeon Master


    By the end of this month, the Play page will be so obsolete that it will be removed! 🙂 Don’t panic, I’ll explain.

    I’m now working on integrating a games list into the RPG Playground application. That means when you start it, you will get a list of things that you can choose from:

    • Your games
      • Create new game
      • Load saved game 1
    • Play hot games
      • A list that is ranked according to an algorithm like reddit. Popular new things rise to the top.
    • All time top 3
      • Top 3 of most played/highly ranked games ever. These are the masterpieces.
    • New & Updated
      • A list of games sorted on the date they are released. Starting from this, games can go into the Hot games list.

    Each list will show a limited amount of games (probably 3), but there will be a “show more..” button where you can see the entire list.

    Your list is a bit different, but we agree on the new section (this is most crucial to discover new games of course). Renowed is kind of like what I have with the hot games, and all time top 3.

    What do you think?


    So the Play page is being removed tomorrow. Okay, okay.


    Arg, it’s already the end of the month… d’oh!

    The end of next month! 😉

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