Welcome Forums Bugs Text Dialogue, Black Screen, Then Crash,

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  • #67780

    I was working on my game “Oak Village” and was messing around with the awesome attributes update since I have upgrades to collect in my game, then I stopped editing to test the actions I had just added to one of my items.

    (hero walk ability max speed increases with “1”)

    (hero equips item “Fast Boots”)

    And when I collected the item during testing, a blank text box came up, every actor in the room glitched/teleported to the upper left corner, the screen went to black, the music still played, then the page become unresponsive and crashed :(.

    Luckily I didn’t lose too much progress (because I couldn’t save) since I had only done that to 2 items in my game. The other one didn’t have any problems though.

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