Dungeon Fighter 1
Published 22.05.2024 03:05
by Dragonplays
Total plays: 161
Hi, I'm Dragonplays and this is dungeon fighter 1. I made this game with everything I know. If there is anything I could change, please leave it in the comments.
Published 22.05.2024 03:05
Total plays: 161
Hi, I'm Dragonplays and this is dungeon fighter 1. I made this game with everything I know. If there is anything I could change, please leave it in the comments.
Hi, Dragonplays here, the maker of dungeon fighter 1. If there is anything i should change, leave it over here and don’t forget to like for more updates/a new game(?). but for now thanks for playing this 1 week challenge : )
That healing station person is really clever. I like how you have to reach him to heal, but he keeps moving around each time. Plus, I like when the people in the cave start dancing. Great game.
Hi thx for the comment and playing this game Firegolem. Yh the healer by the boss battle do ya say? Yh it’s too eazy when he doesn’t so I made it that he do that. Thx for playing the game again and I hope you liked the rest of the game.
nice game skibidy toilet