Holy Swordsman (Chapter One)
Published 25.05.2018 02:05
by jjohndoe
Total plays: 19266
The game is still a work-in-progress, and apparently updates every time I am able to work on it. I hope that people will check back ever now and then to see how the story and game itself has come along. The conversations change as the story progresses, so you should talk to people more than once. All doors are usable, and after you talk to the King it will be less linear, you should explore and talk to everyone before progressing through the main story. A lot of jokes throughout the game. Most signs, and some books can be read to help you on your way. Try reading/interacting with anything that seems to stand out to you. Please enjoy
This is a cool game! There were a few misspellings (and by tomb did you mean tome? A tomb is where you bury dead people and a tome is another name for a book) but overall this is a great game and it looks like you put a lot of effort in! 🙂 I died partway through though (right after that portal maze in the forest) and I didn’t want to start all over again, so I haven’t seen the whole thing… but what I’ve seen so far is pretty amazing! Maybe a bit too hard though!
Btw, do you use a computer? If so, could you tell me how to put apostrophes in a game? (these things -> ‘) For me, it doesn’t work when I type them in on the keyboard.
Then it has something to do with your computer. The game accepts apostrophes.
there is a statue at the start that skips to the maze
hey guis
Hey Guys!!!
I love all of the effort put into the scenery!
in rig playground, you only are able to use 3 actions: move, talk, and attack!
bro you said rig brhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Interesting…. so far…
But I do see a bug… when you run into someone and it start the dialog,
you try to keep moving that way afterwards… It’s like the key is stuck…
May need a way to reset the movement.
But… is that it??? just move, talk, and attack?
Any other commands???
Like save and restore???
he didn’t make the engine, he just used it. i wish there was a save system too
this game is great but to make it better I suggest you add music
Go into the senary tab. Pick the level at that you want to add music by clicking the settings. If you scroll you should be to have the option to add music and ambient sounds.
I don’t know how to put in music, so I think you should ask a pro… YOUR’E ASKING THE RONG MAN!
I had to look up egotistical:)
This is a good game, but it’s so confusing, with distractions everywhere.
nice game but i can not find my way out at botomles swamp
Me neither. It’s a great game though. You obviously put lots of effort into making the story. And the maps and decorations are amazing! That maze of portals by the bottomless swamp is so confusing though and I can’t figure out where to go after I’m teleported there.
Language 🙁
Amazing for a work in progress.
This game is amazing! Is it still a work in progress? Is there a chapter 2 yet?
how do I get out of the cavern i talked to the guy and killed the monsters but how to get out?
ok i got out but how do i get out of the town of renoir or whatever?
pretty pog champ ngl
I haven’t seen much of the game yet, but what I have seen has inspired me to step up my game with the scenery. The only suggestion I have is that you might try adding music to some parts.
how do you get past the gards thatsay you shall not pass please tell me how to complete it
you should put save points ugg
I didn’t think you could really go through ANY door…
The map is good, I thought the game I was working on looked decent until I saw this game! If there was a save feature, this could be an official game!
WAIT, why are you able to walk in on a person in the outhouse!?!
I enjoyed the game, but I felt like there was entirely too much dialogue. Consider cutting down.
I’m just stuck at the bottomless swamp/gate of legends.
i LOVE this game! its my favorite game on rpg playground (so far) and i can’t wait to see more updates! the game only really has one flaw, and its that there is literally no music! but other than that, great game! (btw i’m working on a game! its almost done, but i hope you play it!)
I have a question im trying to make my first app but i dont know how the character teleport hero i try to type teleports to door “….” at “…..” But its not working pls help me iwant to create my own game
oh. all you have to is go into a character textbox, clear everything. (as in erase all the dialogue) and then you’ll be able to use actions. then, click on (if your talking about an NPC, click becomes inactive) (if your talking about the player character, hero goes to door at) that’s all you need to do! hope this helps!
hey. what happened to jjohndoe? a few months ago, i checked their profile and it said that they haven’t been active in a long time. i’m guessing they’ve just been busy for a long time. but i wonder if they will come back, because this is such an awesome game and deserves to be finished.
How is the castle important I can’t figure out how to get past the castle somebody help me!
How do you play games on the Wii U pls HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice work I can tell you have a lot of imagination in the lore. my constructive criticism is de clutter the environments and let the player do some combat in between the narrative events at the beginning so the game feels more balanced and information has more time to sink in. I really enjoyed what I played so far. keep it up!
love the game i i don’t understand the last part when you are in heaven i don’t get it
quick question how do you get out the room where the god that made you and tells you about the corrupted heros ? How do you get out of THAT room?
Oooo this looks great.