LikesWine Snow & Water Challenge – Kai’s Story; A ‘Mirrored Hearts’ Spin Off

Published 01.02.2021 11:02

by LikesWine

Total plays: 142

This game is part of the Snow and Water Challenge. It is a short spin off of the events of Kai from the game 'Mirrored Hearts' by LikesWine which is still in production. Please go check out 'Mirrored Hearts' if you enjoy this game. Give me all the reviews! Share this game with everyone!

  • Comprehensible

    Woah, this was super cool!
    I absolutely loved how you used shadows to show elevation. And all of the maps were so pretty! I really liked the Beauty and the Beast reference, but I feel sorta bad for Kai.
    My only piece of feedback would be maybe using tinyURL for the video links? They were a bit hard to copy and one didn’t work. But using videos to show flashbacks is such a cool idea!
    Awesome work! I can’t wait to see the rest of this story!

      • Comprehensible

        Hey LikesWine!
        Default TinyURL is about the same length, but you can specify a custom domain. So instead of being “,” it’ll be something like “TinyURL/RoseVideo.” Which is a little bit easier to remember.
        I believe it was the roses memory that didn’t work! It might have been my computer, but it kept saying the page takes too long to load.
        Hope this helps!

        • LikesWine

          Okay thank you! I’ll have a look into TinyURL. You can’t copy and paste from the RPG site can you, as a user?

          I will check that last link – I had someone confirm they could get to it, so I’ll double check.

  • shay slay

    This was so much fun! I love how the log bridge works – It’s such a neat idea 🙂 Plus I love the backstory and how this is a spin-off! Also the memory cubes are so smart – I never would have thought of that! Also fighting in the woods – okay I almost died I was so happy when I found the castle haha. I was invested! And the rose memory (insert crying emoji) Just yes!! That balcony was awesome and the rose made my heart drop. I love what you did! Great story-telling!

  • Goat

    I loved it! Unfortunately, I’m too lazy to watch the youtube vids, and so may have missed out on a substantial bit of story, but I still really enjoyed it and loved the immersive snowy environments-the snowy rose garden was absolutely inspired. Positively whimsical