Night out

Published 01.07.2023 05:07

by Strawberry

Total plays: 99

Scary things can happen in the night, The night wasn't what you expected. Can you survive this horrific night? ⚠️ - This game might have a few bugs (Like every game.)

  • CamJay2791

    I see that detailing the maps isn’t an easy thing for you as stated in your description, and after a quick play-through I can only advise that you should start off with private games. Instead of actually making games, just make interactive rooms and play around with dialog and coding. When walking around in your game, I noticed that I’d interact with things by getting close to them rather than by touching them; if you put an invisible actor inside of an object, you can still trigger the actor’s code by touching the object. This makes your game less cluttered and easier to navigate. I also noticed that you give yourself a big area for levels when you don’t actually fill up the entire space, so start off smaller. Challenge yourself to make the room sizes the exact same as they appear on the outside (if the outside of a building is only 6 tiles wide, make the interior only 6 tiles wide). You can also heighten your levels by 3 or 4 tiles to add walls. To make walls look more flashy, play around with Refmap Interior designs, Refmap House, and all three of the Inquisitor interiors as well. I personally stick to Inquisitor but sometimes I’ll pull things from Refmap (like the Crack in the wall) or Sanctuary, Sultan, Skeleton, etc for things like corpses, fountains, and tombstones.

    If you’ve purchased the premium version of the website for $20, you can also add your own personal designs to make a better detailed map, different songs, and you can even experiment with coding features that make your game feel more alive. (I don’t like adding my own designs or music, so I can’t help with any of that, but you are using the internet right now so just make a new tab and look it up if you plan on using those features)

    Inventory is a premium feature but it allows you to make your game more immersive by showing players what exactly they pick up. This keeps them from forgetting what they’ve collected along their adventure and it also let’s you get deeper into story.

    My last word of advice is to play-test your game constantly, interact with all of your objects and characters, and read the dialog out loud. I was very confused while playing your game because all of the dialog was very abrupt and lacked any depth. Although you, as the creator, understand your story; you need to make sure other people can understand it as well. If you have friends or family willing to try your games, ask them to try them out for you.
    Some coding features can help you accomplish this so I’ll go over it in mild detail for you:

    Interface text info:
    Interface Text Info (or ITI as I’m going to call it from now on) is a feature that allows you to put objectives in the upper-right corner of your screen, or story texts that you can use to start off your game.
    I like to use ITI to explain to the player where they are, why they’re there, and what they’ll be expecting to see in my game. You can accomplish this by placing your “hero” on top of an invisible actor and putting in a code similar to this:

    “Invisible_actor1 becomes inactive”
    “Interface Text Info becomes *Lorem ipsun blah blah blah* button text becomes *Lorem ipsun* icon display icon_24”

    The text info is what appears in the middle of your screen, the button is basically the “continue” or “start” button that you see in other games outside of RPGPlayground, and the icon is a symbol that appears at the top of the text. It can be used to explain the context of the situation. For example, a book icon means story, a food icon means you found food, a sword icon means you’re fighting or found a weapon, and an element icon means you’re going into a toxic/cold/hot/magical biome.

    I included the “Invisible_actor1 becomes inactive” text by the way, because if the actor doesn’t become inactive immediately, the player will be shoved outside of the actor’s hit box and might get stuck in an endless loop of reading the beginning text (which is why you always play-test)

    I don’t remember the code for the top-right text but there’s only like 7 options for the interface and once you practice with it, it’s easier to understand. Just make sure to have an invisible actor around every time you want to change the objective or hide it (I think you can use the code “Interface becomes inactive” to get rid of the text)

    One of the best ways to make your game feel more alive is by utilizing the amount of actors you use to tell your story. You can use tokens or items (items are names you give to non-physical point systems; you can have multiple items so I’m going to explain this in the parenthesis; you can have an infinite number of items as long as you don’t repeat names. They can’t be seen by the player and to my understanding, you can’t see them either so always be counting. Let’s try an example, you have 3 items: “COOKIE” “VACUUM” DRILL.” If you want to change dialog based on your number of items, use this (example) code: “If hero has 0 “VACUUM” hero says “I can’t crack the code on this stupid computer!” Else hero has 1 “VACUUM” hero says “I GOT IT!” hero receives 2 “DRILL.” The name of your items does not matter, all that matters is that you know their purpose. Okay that was a long side-explanation so if you read it all, go back to the beginning of this paragraph and skip the parenthesis which are these thngs ( ) so you remember what I was supposed to be explaining.) to control story elements like whether or not you can pass a door but it can be very complicated. I like having 3 or 4 actors in relatively close locations and set it up like this:

    Context: You’re spawning on path that takes you to a castle, you can walk into the castle, but once you do, turning around shows you a text saying that you can’t continue that way.

    Explanation: There are 3 rows of invisible actors, one row at spawn, one past the gate, one before the gate. At spawn, you have 1 invisible actor which uses ITI to explain the story and it makes the row of actors before the gate become inactive. Now you can walk past them but by doing so, you run into the invisible actors after the gate which immediately become inactive, but re-activate the actors before the gate. The actors before the gate use the code “hero says “I can’t leave now, I’ve come too far to give up like this!””

    I’ve used this series of code a lot and I know that not all of my fancy words are easy to understand so if you (or anyone else in the comments) needs help, let me know so I can make a public game that explains the basics.