Orc Lord
Published 19.10.2021 06:10
by 0pi3w4n
Total plays: 402
A fully fledged RPG with character creation, leveling, crafting. I need playtesters to help with balance and bug squashing, so help a brother out and tell me if you find anything. It's a beast so it takes a sec to load.
This is just, wow. Very well done.
If I can give some advice, please make the base speed and weapon cooldown faster, the base stats are too low. other than that, nice job.
Thanks for the feedback! The speed stat improves the weapon and move speed, and I wanted to have room noticeably improve it as the stat improves. I will try to tweak the balance a bit
This is a really good game, well done.
also I didn’t find any bugs
Thanks! I’m trying to show some of the things that this engine is capable of beyond what you typically see
Very good, I am impressed what this engine is capable of tbh..I’m currently working on my first game is going well..I just couldn’t work out a few things yet..trial and error. Best of luck ! Very good game 🙂
Thanks! If you have any questions I am happy to help.
Are you on the discord server?
I am, but I’m not particularly active on there. I could not see a place to promote my game, but I do see the “get help” section that you posted in. I will put together a how to on dialogue choices.
How did you get the Exp counter to update in real time?
Every time the number of “Exp” changes there is a script that changes the interface info text to the new number. so [~if hero number of “Exp” = X][~~interface info text becomes “Exp: X]
There is one of those on all the enemies, plus a few surreptitiously scattered around on invisible switches.
please make the starting enemys weaker, i nearly died at the start
What was your character build? A 2 point strength build can kill the first enemies in one hit, and a 2 point charisma build can scare most of them away. Intelligence is a bit harder, but you can craft healing potions and poisons to even the odds. Speed is probably the hardest (I haven’t come up with a good way to balance that stat), but you should be able to hit them and move away fairly easy.
i kinda just did whatever, i mixed up speed and charisma
also the game kinda crashes if you die and restart, not the “you died, continue”
I think that happens because the engine reloads the whole game when you restart and this game has a lot to load. It does eventually restart, it just takes awhile
It’s funny and great, but I can’t figure out how to get out of Chapter 2 (barren wasteland).
Where did you find the flowing lava! I really need that for a game I’m working on.