the advanture I i never new I started
Published 07.07.2024 09:07
by MonkehooplaVr
Total plays: 32
the advanture I never new I started is a game where you play as a boy named Sasuke who sneaked out his house with his sister they later find a party but Sasuke leaves to contiue his story and his sister Susie stays there who knows we might see more people along the way
hello welcome to my first rpg there are secrets around the place heres one tip go to the well near your house youll find something and maybe a secret… hmmmmm i cant say but this a demo but for now the rest of the places daliouge and houses are being done comment if there are any bugs or would like to have ideas for within the game or any sequels or other indivual games
if you want to say anything just comment
also walk to your house first talk to your parents then enter your bedroom for the story start then do what you what
also back then when developing I planned not to have interactable items but go around walk to draws closets items foods and you’ll see some text and dailiouge
also one hint is this game use to be a game about playing but starting a advanture and then later changed to a boy being the only human adopt by his animal parents as a child with there being wolfs animals and the closest to humans elves Sasuke trys to get to the castle solving quest and all that but to soon find out after going in the castle a dark evil presence comes taken the princess and sasuke most go to save them being giving a better sword than his wooden toy sword giving to him by his father who never really liked him but grown fond of having a human son (that’s all until full realeses)
if this gets 10 or 20 likes I will make the castle and the first boss of the castle early instead of half of the just entering the castle soon but until now good luck finding the secret boss
the secret boss has been updated to have 300 health the play now has 100 beside 50 and when attack the creature/boss you will gain 20 health back
I like how every character has their own unique dialogue! The story is also intriguing how you’re a human adopted by animals. This is a great game.