The Bosch’s classroom
Published 30.04.2020 06:04
by cowtrooper4
Total plays: 1227
Since the trauma of Mrs. Gooserham's class, the remaining students were ushered into the class of The Bosch. New students are here to replace some of the old students, and the class now has formed tribes. If you have not played Mrs.Gooserham's classroom, the link is right here Also, please give me any ideas that you might have or any criticism, so I may improve upon the game! Finally updating this again
Hello, I hope you enjoy what I have of the game so far! As time goes on in the quarantine, I will make more and more. So you know how many endings are possible while I work, the available endings in the help shack, so you know how many there are. Thanks!
i just quit the first game trying to kill everyone
too hard
what happens after you beat the pit i think i got that ending
it just freezes after i defeat the demons and try to move on in the pit
by freazes it goes black
and i cant see what the bosch says before i leave the demon area
I am going to make this a bigger project than what I was first thinking of.
Thank you for 100 visits! I did not expect to get that much so soon for an unfinished game, I hope you all are enjoying it.
the pit of misbehaving…. o-o
That pit is only for the normal misbehavers…
The really bad kids go to the pit of the strayed. (hint hint)
Also, are there any features that you want to recommend?
I recommend you make it able to switch characters
The character has to stay the same otherwise the dialog would not all be lore and canon to the story since it would be an entirely different person.
i’d recommend having a potted plant then stuffing erik’s severed head in it
Wow- I have not been on here for long but this is cool
are you supposed to go somewhere after you get your skull bashed
Not at the moment, as I have not worked on that area of this game yet.
Also, do you have any suggestions for possible endings?
Yes make it possible to go to hell
It’s borring
keep in mind that this game is FAR from finished, so I understand why you might think that this is boring. There might be a lack of content from your end since lots of what I have created right now is not accessible at the moment or is very obscure. The prequel to this is complete if you would like to try a completed game that falls in line with the lore of this game. Thanks!
Also, could you tell me what is so boring about it so I may improve upon my work?
*More Death.
Cheat guy is the best character, leave him in as an easter egg or smth
minus the cheats
Alright! Ill leave him likely in the help shack once this game is done.
Do you have any criticism on what is in the game so far, or any ideas for it?
ehh flesh out dialouge some, and make the endings slightly easier to find, like by giving hints
To be fair, I put in some of the hardest to get endings first. So they would be out of the way.
I can put hints in the Help Shack later on in the game’s development
I can tell this game is going to follow in the great footsteps of the first game! One thing I do think this game needs is a little clarification on who is who studentwise. In Mrs Gooserham’s there was an introductions tent in the help shack, but if you don’t want to do that again, you could just have Reuben address the student by name when he says hi.
Yeah, I should create clarification, especially since all the character models have changed entirely. Also need to update this game much more, though most of the updates that I have done in this game are for very far out endings that are next to impossible to find (to make the in-class stuff much easier to make). Also i’m going to add more to the help shack, though I don’t exactly know what to add there. Could you help with ideas?
Sure! I think there should be something that tells which tribe is which in there. I also like who in Mrs GooserHam’s ther was a person who would answer general questions, and that could be put in here. I think this person should answer questions general to the game, like whether classmates leaving the room count as dead, for example. General answers not necessarily tied to an ending.
After Erik and Dylan go outside I can’t move
I’ll try to fix that glitch asap
umm… how do you play?
What do you do when you have done an ending? (do you refresh page?)
Yes, you refresh the page when you’ve done an ending. I apologize that this wasn’t clear.
really quiet game… i’ve only gotten one ending (in mrs gooserhams classroom i got like, seven of them) although the ending i got in this game is super easy to get! no music though… very big difference between the first game and the second. (please add music) also, how do i get the other endings? i’m super confused!
Very Cool!
I killed all the orcs in the Pit of Misbehaving and don’t know how to get out. I think the orcs are supposed to kill you unless you have the grappling hook, so can you disable the sword attack?