tog tog glowstick adventure
Published 21.06.2023 06:06
by J the MooseGoose
Total plays: 56
in the land of vfthgtrvhcdgfcvdgfcvgdfcdfgvc, evil forces are brewing. only one hero can save them. his name: tog tog. join tog tog on his quest! a quest that transformed him from a small butt in training to a godly king size. enjoy this amazing totally not bootleg game! E
Sans killed me in cold blood
yes. what did you say?
Wow, that was interesting.
The character walks pretty slow and you made a kinda long hallway.
First time I’ve seen a rpg game with cursing.
At the end I turned into a goose (I think) and it was just darkness, I think that means I finished that game.
It was great fun to play! Anyway I shall go now.
yes. that was referencing jack blacks famous BIRD-UP!
(actually i learned recently that bird up is from the eric andre show. i thought it was created by jack black.)
glad you enjoyed this game. the style of this game is actually a meme genre called shitpost, which is basically making something stupid out of something great. like i took something great, rpg playground, and made a really stupid game on it, tog tog glowstick adventure. you should try that its actually really fun to make something shitpost. just try to make the worst game you can possibly make.
Ok thanks! I might try it sometime!
i just added a new and creepy secret easter egg! good luck finding it…
I don’t even know what happened in this game but it was an artistic masterpiece.
also i beat boyfriend so give me a reward
i’ll think about giving some kind of reward!
-1 max hp would be nice