World of a Purple Something
Published 07.05.2017 04:05
by mystify
Total plays: 841
A death has occurred. It causes many reactions from the citizens and others. Some cry for the loss, some don’t accept it, and other’s don’t believe it to be true. Despite of how it’s responded to it is quite clear that this death has gained the people’s attention. How curious. Who is this fallen one? Why does everyone seems to concern themselves with them? Is it a good or is it an evil? It’s all very questionable to say the least. Perhaps in order to find out truth… …one must first find the secrets to reveal it. Just, a word of advice as you take this journey… …don’t die yourself.
Very good story until now! – Who is Mystify the great?! – *wanna know*
Amazing story, Characters, All around amazing ^o^
Thank you so my my good sir.
You give me the will and motivation to continue on! (^~^)/
Hmm, I can’t get through to the other side of the tunnel wall in the flashback.
Thanks, I’ll check it out if I haven’t already fixed it. (^_^)/
Truly i thought the game was deep from the description it sounded like it was filled with dark secrets but as i played it was more like the [legends of zelda links awakening DX] pleasing but not the game i thought it would be.
hey you have any rpg making tips
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this before. But I’ve been told that some of the greatest story creators already know the ending before they even begin.
thats actually how i make my stories, i have an epic final battle idea and work backwards from there to make the story.