RPG Playground Roadmap
Please see our Public Roadmap on Trello, which gives a detailed overview of what I’m working on, what is planned for the near future, and what are things that are considered for the far future. You can even influence which features will be implemented next, by voting on your favorite topics. So please go check it out here!
Remark that nothing on the roadmap is certain. Features might change, priorities might shift, etc.
You will notice that no dates or deadlines are specified. Features are implemented as fast as possible and released when they are ready. So you won’t have to wait for the next major release to use them.
Next to the detailed Trello roadmap, below is a more general roadmap of things to come.
Any feedback on this is welcome! 🙂
Secret Master Plan
You might see RPG Playground as a little toy that you can play with. And at the moment, it probably is. But I have big plans for the future, and want to explain them here. My master plan basically comes down to this:
- Build a tool that allows anyone to make their own Role Playing Games, and easily let others play their game.
- Make sure artists can make an RPG using their own graphics, without the need of a programmer.
The most important feature of the engine will remain that it’s easy to make and share your own games.
Below is an image of our roadmap with all possible features.
- White area: what we have right now
- Light-grey area: what we are working towards
- Dark-grey area: Would love to get this far! 🙂
Is there ever going to be a multiplayer feature?
My first idea for RPG Playground was to create a collaborative, multiplayer RPG Maker. This means multiple people log into the same world, can adapt everything simultaneously, and talk to each other ingame. Kind of like an MMORPG where everyone can change the game. But the more users I got with my first prototype (which didn’t have any multiplayer yet), the more I realized they wanted to make their own story, their own game.
I know it isn’t in this roadmap, but it definitely hasn’t left my mind. Maybe I should add it as a possible extra feature, and if enough users request it, I would definitely add it. It’s one of those features that is hard to implement by someone starting out with game development. So providing this with an easy to use package would definitely be valuable. But as I said, there needs to be a minimum baseline of people who want this feature.
It’s been months since this doesn’t get updated.
Do you even still develop it?
I will make a game where you go through a nice, happy, little town and kill everybody and then steal their souls so you can kill a dragon and steal his soul and take his sword to kill more people and get more souls and then you conquer the earth so you destroy it and take it’s core and go to other planets and kill everything and then take their souls and then destroy the planets and take their cores and there will be only your rocket ship left in the universe so you use the cores to power your ship to go destroy more planets in other universes, repeat 5 times, and end.
Oh, and there will be a sequel where you destroy the last 10 universes, and your ship crashes into another ship, destroy ship, the end.
AND there will be a threequel where you destroy 20 rocket ships, then 5 space stations, and then, you’re the last thing to ever exist. Or are you!?
I want this pls add it
How do we add these icons to the screenplay?
I have no idea.
There will be a new action where you can specify what text to display, and which icon to show. But remark that it’s not implemented yet!
Oh, Pardon my.
I didn’t knew that was from a not released version.
Did 1.0 get released? it’s been a loooong time.
Yes, I know you are really curious. (Sorry, not subscribed to this thread). But Koen has had some personal issues lately, which have been hindering progress. I don’t know, things like this take a long time to heal. So…even if it may help him deal with his issues to work, he’s probably not very motivated to. Which is fine, as his personal life comes first, job comes second. We just need to be really patient and supportive as Koen recovers.
Oh, i understand.
1.0 will be released in 2018 🙂
I think that someone should help this guy out with the development i really want to build an immersive game ETA on 2.0
I would like to help this guy but sadly i know nothing about programming or whatever he does to create this.
I’m most exited about 4.0 for a exp/gold/better item system and 5.0 for turn based battles!
I totally dig the entire concept of this and have messed around a little bit to see how smoothly the process can go. It’s amazing! I’m a music producer, so if you need some music definitely hit me up and I’ll whip up some medieval action adventure music for ya!
I’m very excited for the upcoming features of this game! I’ve been thinking of doing a monster fighter game and when we get multiplayer I can expand it! I’M JUST TOO EXCITEDDDD!
OMG! Do you know how LONG I have been looking for something like this!? (It’s been a while…) RPG Playground has so many opportunities and stuff in store! This platform of RPG-making is super easy and fun, and sometime in 2018 it sounds as if it’ll get even easier and more fun (funner?). I think the main part that got me involved was the ability to have whatever freedom of game making you want, without the $ money $ restrictions (subscriptions fees, character packs, scenery packs, etc.) like most websites/platforms.
Thank you Koonsolo fur making this platform (I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO CALL IT AAHH) and I love all of the plans that are in the future! Keep working hard, and we’ll do the same!
*if you’ve read all the way down here, you have just earned a pat on the back*
Glad you like it!
Man these things are soooo cool! Do you know how long it is going to take you to make them?
I don’t put a deadline on these things, mainly because it’s always really hard to make an accurate prediction.
I put all my effort into making it, not into estimating how long it will take.
I have noticed you don’t monetize rpgplayground.com, don’t waste your traffic, you can earn extra
bucks every month. There is one good way that brings decent money, you can google it:
money making by bucksflooder
Im creating a game but i need save points like to make the character able to save the game. We need something to put things that save the game, please.
Saving games is pretty high up the feature list right now. You can always vote on this feature at https://trello.com/c/TVfkqfZ3.
Not for the near future, but I will definitely implement this at some point.
So which updates are out now? I don’t see anything indicating when this roadmap was last updated, and all the comments seem to be from years ago. How far along are you on this map?
Best check out the roadmap on Trello. There you can find everything that is still todo, busy and done. https://trello.com/c/OqfFeR7L
I know there is still lots to be done, and I’m not expecting this engine to really be “finished” anytime soon, BUT…
You really ought to consider making the engine itself downloadable somewhere along the line. There are some people who just prefer to shut off the internet and work, or who don’t have permanent access:(
Besides, what with RPG Maker games being officially supported on non-Windows platforms now, and EasyRPG’s good progress, NekoXP, Wine, and all that, I’d say that that’s not as much of a problem anymore. Maybe.
What is a hassle is *development* being still pretty much restricted to Windows, so…
I know this comment is kind of sloppy, but aiming for a downloadable version on multiple platforms might be an interesting idea. Good luck on your project!
Technically it is indeed possible to make a standalone version. But for me it is always a matter of where to put my efforts. Right now the focus is still on the web interface.
As a first step I might add offline features in the web interface. This would mean you can go to the website even if you are offline, and can save your game. Once you go online the files are saved on the server. A so called Progressive Web App would work on any web browser.
Is there a way to display the number of tokens you have?
Just a question, what version are we on now just for a sense of scale
Is there any way to make the NPCs turn?
Could someone please tell me what version we are on please?
I don’t know what special features there are… I’m just made an account to this site.
I think it would be great if there were water tiles to go along with the animals/monsters that swim, and there is some great inspiration on this site for gaming graphics in general.
I have a question, i know that levels are square shaped but can I change the shape like you did in the palace in the tutorial? Practically meaning an you add black tiles?
I’ve entertained the idea of making my own RPG based on headcanon from my own drawings, which included elements from multiple cultures. However, from what I’ve seen on youtube, the game itself seems a bit too Euro-centric for what I had intended. I had imagined a hero being able to visit various capitals and city-states that are based on the cultures of other civilizations (Ming Dynasty China, Edo Japan, Roman Empire, Norse Scandinavia, Upper Kingdom Egypt, Helenistic Greece, etc), and interacting with the peoples as well as mythical monsters (and maybe even extinct megafauna?).
My question is: is this game too Euro-centric ( as in only late Medieval Europe themes), or are you given the option to inject peoples, structures, items, and motifs from other cultures as well?
Yeah, that’s cool and all. But you only have 2-D and 3-D? So no 1-D or 4-D RPGs?
I wish you could add/make weather effects like snow, fog, and rain. that would be so cool! After all, that would set the tune of your game.
What was rpg playground built with, I would like to create my own game engine website?