Welcome Forums Requests Please add missing tiles to let us create higher glas/ice platforms Reply To: Please add missing tiles to let us create higher glas/ice platforms


To attain this even should be much easier than creating the missing shadow tiles you already added. Probably even I could do this – and I’m really lacking drawing capablilites. 🙂

I just tested it out using a screenshot. The border tiles for the ice/glas blocks exactly fills a half tile. This means we could stack this border twice to create the missing tiles.

If you want, you can send me the tileset where the original glas/ice tiles are on. I will then try to add the missing tiles and send the result to your e-mail adress. As you know, I’ve done stuff like this before for an RPG Maker game of mine. Best would be to send me the original tileset and a copy of it. Please mark in the copy, where you wish to add the new tiles. We need two new tiles (a blue and a pink) in order to make both types “stackable” for platforms. You can test the modified tileset with the engine afterwards.

I would really like to use these tiles for my current game, so I am very motivated to do this well.