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Why not just using number variables? That way the number of ingredients doesn’t matter anymore for the indentations and you also do not need to repeat yourself over and over.

hero number of "ingredients" becomes 0
if hero has token "apple"
    hero number of "ingredients" increases with 1
if hero has token "flour"
    hero number of "ingredients" increases with 1
if hero has token "sugar"
    hero number of "ingredients" increases with 1
if hero number of "ingredients" = 3
    hero says "Time to bake this pie!"
    invisible_actor5 says "Pie obtained!"
    hero receives token "Pie"
    hero says "I need a few more ingredients to make my pie."

I wrote a tutorial, which explaines stuff like this in detail for RPG Playground screenplay. I hope deWiTTERS will soon place it somewhere for download.