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  • #32495
    shay slay

    I’m trying to get my character to gather 3 separate ingredients before she can bake a pie. When she touches the oven, if she does not have all three tokens, she cannot bake it. It sounds kinda easy, but I’m struggling with this for some reason.

    What I’m having trouble with is wording or formatting it correctly. Has anyone tried this? What format are you using? I think I’ve tried to simplify it too much in my screenplay and it doesn’t even play the full thing.

    (This pie thing is meant to help me out with game design in general)


    Hey Slay!

    Yeah, screenplays can be tricky. You need an else after every if to balance things out. Also, it may be easier to use “lacks” instead of has. Like this:

    Hope this helps!

    shay slay

    Ahh thank you! I will give this a try today. I had a feeling I was oversimplifying it lol I appreciate the help, Comprehensible!


    No problem! I really struggled with this stuff when I first started, so I get the feel. Good luck with your game!


    if hero has token “apple”

    if hero has token “flour”

    if hero has token “sugar”

    (4 spaces) hero receives token”pie”


    ( 4 spaces) hero says “oh crap, I need more stuff”



    Why not just using number variables? That way the number of ingredients doesn’t matter anymore for the indentations and you also do not need to repeat yourself over and over.

    hero number of "ingredients" becomes 0
    if hero has token "apple"
        hero number of "ingredients" increases with 1
    if hero has token "flour"
        hero number of "ingredients" increases with 1
    if hero has token "sugar"
        hero number of "ingredients" increases with 1
    if hero number of "ingredients" = 3
        hero says "Time to bake this pie!"
        invisible_actor5 says "Pie obtained!"
        hero receives token "Pie"
        hero says "I need a few more ingredients to make my pie."

    I wrote a tutorial, which explaines stuff like this in detail for RPG Playground screenplay. I hope deWiTTERS will soon place it somewhere for download.

    shay slay

    Thanks for replies everyone, I found a style that worked for me back in January after I originally wrote the question. 🙂

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