Welcome Forums Requests A few request ideas for the Trello wish list: Reply To: A few request ideas for the Trello wish list:


Thought of a few more:

1) Allow doors to have the full range of actions available like the invisible floor switch actor does. At present you can still do it but you have to layer them on top of each other. But say you want to make your monsters disappear at the start of a scene. You need the invisible floor switch to do it. But if your character just went through a door, the options on the door actor are more limited.

2)  Have the ability of objects to “say” a number they are counting. Example:

hero number of “grapes” increases with 1

hero says “I have (grapes) grapes!”

3) Have the ability to loop back to the beginning of a piece of “code” on a given actor without having to trigger the event again. In my case, I’m using it for an object that provides many options (jukebox) Every 20 song choices I have an option that says “next page” but to implement something like “previous page” would require making the code go back to the start without touching the jukebox again. Right now, of course characters can just hit it, click through options and if none are wanted start over, but would be cool to be able to go backwards like that and flip back to previous pages. Something like

if hero number of “grapes” > 7

Go to line 4.

Or something. Anyway. That’s all I have for now and just because I suggest it doesn’t mean I expect it etc. Just throwing out ideas.