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Another question from Discord was how I get the Exp to update: this script is after every time the hero’s number of “Exp” changes. In this example it is on an enemies death, but I have it in other places too. The | are placeholders, delete them if you are pasting this into your game

if Enemy health value <= 0
|    hero number of “Exp” increases with 5
|    if hero number of “Exp” = 1
|        interface info text becomes “Exp: 1”
|    if hero number of “Exp” = 2
|        interface info text becomes “Exp: 2”
|    if hero number of “Exp” = 3
|        interface info text becomes “Exp: 3”
|    if hero number of “Exp” = 4
|        interface info text becomes “Exp: 4”
|    if hero number of “Exp” = 5
|        interface info text becomes “Exp: 5”

so on and so forth… untill

|    if hero number of “Exp” = > 50
|        interface info text becomes “Level Up!”
|        Narrator gives choices for “Level up now?”
|        in case “Yes”
|            hero teleports to door “Character_Sheet” at “Character_Sheet”
|            hero number of “Exp” decreases with 50
|            hero number of “Stat” increases with 1
|        in case “No”
|            Narrator says “Travel to the shrine of Darkness to level up”