Welcome Forums Get help Can you make a tile that disappears when a certain event is triggered?

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    I am trying to set up a scene where the hero has to answer a question and if they get it right, a tree sprite disappears next to the NPC they are talking to. I found a way I can make the entire level disappear with an invisible actor, but I kind of need the rest of the forest to stick around, hahah. Is this even possible? I see that there are options for making a tile go inactive, but I’m wondering if it can be tied to an action an NPC issues, instead of, say a character walking towards a tile. If that is the only way to do it, I can redesign my game, and just use tokens.


    It’s totally doable, but the complexity varies depending on if the sprite is an NPC or part of the map.

    NPC’s you can just make inactive, but if you are changing something with the map, that involves copying maps and using tokens.


    Okay, thank you! I think I will just rework the levels, and have the Hero gain a token, then use the “walks toward tile” and check for the token! Thank you


    So, never mind. I thought I had it worked out, but I can’t get what I want to work, to, well, work.
    Basically I want things in the way of the Hero, like rocks, or trees, doors, anything, they can’t get past without having a certain token from talking to an NPC. Once they have the token, then the item unlocks, or disappears. I’m trying to make a quiz show type game, and don’t want the Hero just running past all the NPCs without answering the questions in a large maze-like map.
    I tried using Invisibile Actor and given the Hero a token, but I can’t make just one tile disappear, the entire map disappears, hahah.


    Blocking doors or progress with invisible actors is easy but like I said, if you want to remove parts of the map (rocks, trees, ect.), that involves copying the map, teleportation, invisible tiles and tokens. It is totally doable but a lot more work.


    I’m good with blocking with an invisible actor at this point. but I can’t figure out how to make that happen. If I make the Invisible Actor active, my Hero can still walk over it. Like, nevermind even giving the Hero a token, I’ve been just trying to make an invisible wall and still, just walks right over it.

    I have found a way of making it so if the Hero lacks a token, they are just turned away from the spot. Would that be the easiest way of doing it?


    Are you using this? That is an invisible actor. You shouldn’t be able to walk through it until you make it inactive.


    So what you can do is make an exact copy of the level minus the barrier. Once the player answers the question correctly you transition them to an invisible door in exact location of where they would be interacting with the NPC in the copy level.


    Oh… No. I, uh, oopses, wasn’t using the right actor 😅

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