Welcome Forums Get help Contest: Puzzle games

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  • #26379

    This a contest for all of you who like spending hours to make complex screenplays that might not even work…

    So here are the rules

    1 Your game must revolve around or commonly use puzzles.

    2 Your game cannot have sexual, drug related content

    3 No cursing

    4 No reward other than I’ll follow you…

    5 We can have up to 5 judges. I am judge 1 In order to be a judge you must:

    5.a Have or create a discord account

    5.b Not enter

    5.c Notify me by September 16th

    6 Enter by September 16th

    7 Maximum of 15 entries so ENTER SOON

    8 Results will be posted on September 30th



    We will be judging scores by having each judge rank every entry.

    Then we will average every games rankings to create the scores.

    Finally we will post the rankings here at this forum



    Have fun and make great games!

    By the way only reply here not discord unless you’re a judge


    if it’ not clear DM me on discord i’m @Honorable mention to be a judge



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