Welcome Forums Requests Different weapons, magic, companion

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    Hi! I was just thinking, with the new functions where NPCs are able to fight alongside the hero, I had a few ideas as to how this could be utilized. First, you could choose types of weapons, such as daggers or bows. Second, there could be different spells you could use, such as a fireball or a magic missile, by using a different key on the keyboard. Lastly, the option to have an NPC follow you would be useful in a game where you have party members, or a quest where you need to transport someone to a certain place safely. Thanks!


    I think all of those things are on the roadmap. It will be cool to combine those things indeed :). https://trello.com/c/OqfFeR7L

    Grim Reaper

    I think there should be different weapons you could use, and customize the health pickups.

    Grim Reaper

    Also, yeah, I agree with Random NPC

    Grim Reaper

    And maybe you could jump over things and you could change the way your weapon looks like and create some kind of inventory?

    Grim Reaper

    So, yeah, I know that I’m posting a lot, and this might be unnecessary, but this is a ton of things that I want to see:

    Magic, Sword Customization, Creating a block, Different Weapons, Jumping, Inventory, More Monsters, Lava, Items that you can use/wear, poison, character customization, etc.


    I agree with Grim Reaper… I think there should be weapon pick-ups, and maybe even ammo drops if you decide to add something like a bow, maybe certain enemies could drop arrows? Maybe also make a leveling system where your weapon/health upgrades every level? Also maybe something like coin drops and a blacksmith you can pay to upgrade your weapons/armor. Armor would also be good.


    Most of those are on the roadmap I think, or included in the “inventory” features.


    What about an option to not lose all your progress when you die, or maybe something like extra lives (Like 1-Ups in Mario)? Also, I know it might be hard to implement something like this, but maybe a save feature?


    Checkpoints are for the near future. This would mean you have lives and when you die, you go back to the checkpoint and lose a life. Monsters you killed in the mean time are still dead.

    For the longer run, save games will be implemented. Both are on the roadmap at https://trello.com/c/OqfFeR7L

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