Welcome Forums Requests Gamepad Support

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  • #38846

    I would like to have native gamepad support with RPG Playground. The settings for our gamepads should be connected to our accounts in order to prevent the necessity to configure the gamepad over and over. In the settings there should be a possibility to just click a button and than click a corresponding button on the gamepad for the assignment. Of course we will currently need the “Attack”-Button only. However, I’m sure RPG Playground will grow and soon we will have other buttons to configure, like the “start”-Button for bringing up the menu as well as select and cancel buttons. The directional buttons should be detected automatically.


    That would be cool, and actually web games can support gamepads (already looked into it :)). But this won’t be implemented until I go to game consoles. Unfortunately I have to be ruthless with my priorities :(.


    I think you’re right. Honestly, if you ask me, I would vote for getting rid of all of the bugs first. I think, to have a reliable platform where everything works properly the way it is intended is way more important than to have new features. Furthermore, I agree there are already a lot of features on your to-do list, which are way more important than this one.

    It just has been a nice idea for the future. However, I’m happy even this feature will come someday!

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