Welcome Forums Get help How do I set a counter in a textbox?

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    How do I set a counter in a textbox?


    If you mean a number system, just do this:


    npc2133 gives choices for “*Say what you want here*”

    in case “1”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “2”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “3”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “4”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “5”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “6”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “7”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “8”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “9”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”

    in case “0”

    npc2133 says “*Put an action you want here*”


    I meant this:

    Say you have a certain amount of gold, say, 36.

    Maybe you want to spend that gold in the shop, but you don’t know how much gold you have. You go to the shop, and the shopkeeper tells you that you have 36 gold.

    Now, you spend 5 gold on an item. You interact with the shopkeeper again, and he states that you have 31 gold.

    Now, you kill a bad guy and get 3 gold. You speak with the shopkeeper again, and he says that you have 34 gold.

    And the textbox constantly tracks how much gold you have.

    How do I do that?


    Yeah, I don’t know how to do that. I haven’t done Shop Systems yet. But “premium is coming out soon in early 2022 and it’s a one-time payment of $35,” DeWITTERS said. And that includes character customization, shop system, and inventory to name a few. If maybe that would help?


    I’ll try to practice making a gold shop so I can tell you how to make it.


    Ok, so doing this using the interface text is possible but a huge pain in the neck, and probably will make your game load like a drunken slug.

    After ever opportunity that your hero’s “Gold” (or whatever you want to track such as gold) could change you add a script that goes…

    _if hero number of “Gold” = 1
    __interface info text becomes “Gold: 1”
    _if hero number of “Gold” = 2
    __interface info text becomes “Gold: 2”
    _if hero number of “Gold” = 3
    __interface info text becomes “Gold: 3”

    and so on and so forth, as high as you want. The _’s in this represent tabs. Copy/paste like a maniac.

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