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  • #56236

    Hey dewitters can you by any chance fix this. So can you make it so you can change the level name once created

    it would help my game out alot and would help others to


    It’s on the roadmap, but unfortunately not an easy fix :(. But I guess it will get fixed this year.


    I guess the problem is, that the engine has to update all the screenplay’s teleport commands and all the door targets as well.


    Yes indeed, all references need to be updated.

    That’s also the reason why you currently can’t update the hero name, because both my code and some data files refer to it, and expect “hero” to be there.


    i meant the LEVEL name not change hero name


    Levels have the same problem, so renaming them still needs to be implemented.


    Just an idea…
    If you implementing this you perhaps should give any identifier an internal id. That way you could give us a list of all known identifiers. The engine could help us not only to find all the places where they are used without the need to parse any code afterwards, but even let us rename them without the problem to destroy something. Whenever you view screenplay for editing, the engine first can replace the internal ids to names and the other way round after saving the edited screenplay. On the top of this we could (if you would support this) easily switch the way, how we enter variable names. Instead of ‘hero number of “cookies”‘ we just could use “cookies”% (or something like that) to refer to a decimal number variable, which will be way shorter.


    I’m indeed going to use id’s for a lot of things. The new inventory items will have an internal id, and you can change the name. I will always refer to the id, so when you rename it, I don’t have to adapt any references!

    But you are correct that in screenplays, the user wants to work with the name and not the id.

    > Whenever you view screenplay for editing, the engine first can replace the internal ids to names and the other way round after saving the edited screenplay.

    That is an excellent idea!!!


    Btw. also the RPG Makers are using IDs for their variables. Internally there are just two huge arrays – one supporting integer values and the other supporting boolean values. The “variables” actually are merely elements of one of the two arrays. If you would implement this also for RPG Playground as an array a nice side effect would be, that we could program accesses like initializations or checks by just using a for-loop.
    All the other objects (e. g. actors) also should be part of arrays to make things easier.


    Probably the objects already are handled that way and we just need screenplay access to the elements. If also tilemaps and their layers are handled with arrays I guess we even could replace single tiles per runtime.

    This are some additional thoughts, but they actually do not belong to that topic anymore.

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