Welcome Forums Get help Need help with tokens!

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  • #2583

    The tokens system appears to be broken… whenever I type the “if has token” command, and put else, it says “else needs to follow an if command” when IT DOES and its driving me insane. As well as if i enter in.. say…

    Actor1 says "hi"
    hero says"hello"
    if hero has token "memes"
    Actor1 says "spicy memes"

    it will make it say both no matter what. Please help this system is PERFECT other than this one glitch… Also, please DO NOT send me the link to the token blog page. I copied and pasted that stuff and it STILL DIDNT WORK!!!!!


    You have to put 4 spaces in front of the last line, as such:

    if hero has token "memes"
        Actor1 says "spicy memes"

    So only if it has 4 spaces in front of it, it applies to the if.

    You can see it as some kind of bullet point list, where only the lines that are ‘deeper’ happen.

    Hope this helps


    Another remark: In the future I will actually make it a bullet point list, so it is more clear :).


    omg thank you SO much, i really appreciate it 🙂

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