Welcome Forums Requests Requests I could think of….

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  • #32862

    Here are all the other features I think will be great if added in the game. (Some are already requested so here are what I think are not yet requested…)

    1. NPCs face the hero when having a conversation- Put an option where it will allow the NPCs to face the hero’s direction once the conversation starts (and back to their original position when conversation is finished)

    2. Transition – I don’t know how to put this exactly but.. This is what I describe a fade/screen fade transition when going from one level to another. This will or may add more ‘dramatic’ ‘storytelling’ effects when entering a level that starts an important cutscene.

    3. Tiles

    • Fire – Animated fire 😅 . Cause, You know, I thought of making a scene of a burning village for the story.
    • Floating rock fragments-  Not so important but I just thought it would bring some cool effect for magical caves…

    Something like this shape.. making it seem "floating".. y'know what I mean?
    <p style=”text-align: center;”> Something like this… y’know what I mean?</p>

    •   Straw hut houses.
    • More food tiles-  A variety of food in scenes like feasts, dinners or restos will make it more colorful😁

    4. Mounting- ability to mount certain animals. ’cause again, I think it’s cool.


    That’s all I could think of for now, I know it’s nothing too important in particular but still, thanks.



    I think all of those are covered in the current roadmap 🙂

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