Welcome Forums General The Cave of Secret Cities- Exquisite Corpse

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  • #3873

    Hello people! This would be The Dungeon Master. I have started an exquisite corpse entitled, “The Cave of Secret Cities”.

    If you don’t know what an exquisite corpse is, it’s basically a project where one person creates a foundation, and people take turns adding material/content. This thread will serve to decide who takes the next turn, as well as showing work. I have my part in another thread.

    You may not choose someone who has already gone… except me, but that will lead to the end of the project.

    People on the chain of the Exquisite Corpse:

    EBMCGames / The Dungeon Master



    If you get chosen to work on this, you may politely decline or accept, your choice.


    I like this idea! 🙂


    that sounds like a cool idea 😀

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