Welcome Forums Bugs The doors are broken…

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    Hello! I am YourPersonalNerd, and I have come across a small problem. When I set a door and connect it to another room, the player’s character will spawn outside of the room in the eternal darkness that is “No Level Land” I’m not sure if this has happened to anyone else. But it is seriously messing up my game play when I am testing the games i’m making. The last thing I need it to go to the boss’s room of the dungeon and spawn outside of the level and be stuck there for eternity…


    I didn’t run into that problem myself yet. However, I’m often teleporting from an invisible switch to a door instead of connecting doors directly to each other. Additionally, I always using doors as a one-way construction. This doesn’t mean the hero cannot go back. Of course, in my game the hero can also go to the previous room/level. However, I’m using four doors to implement this and connect only two of them for each direction. That means the target door remains always unconnected. Perhaps, you can implement it the same way for your game as a workaround. This will make doors more predictable and more reliable.


    I’m not sure. When I get stuck in the eternal darkness that is “No Level land” I can’t glitch or clip through things to get back onto the actual level. I basically have to back back into editing mode and place my character onto the map. And if i’m playing the game after it’s been published, not in editor mode, then there’s a problem…


    What exactly do you mean with “No Level land”? Does the engine teleport the hero to a “level”, which does not exists? Or is it a level of your game you made, but the hero get placed somewhere on it in a dark place and cannot walk anymore?


    “No Level Land” is the black area outside of the actual level. For some reason when i place a door and walk through it, i’ll teleport just outside the map, and i can walk in an area that shouldn’t be accessible. And since it isn’t actually part of the level. I call it “No Level Land”


    This pretty sounds strange.

    1. Have you already tried to delete the corrupt doors and place new ones into your game?
    2. Which type of door do you use? Can you make a screenhot of it, that we will know, which type of door has that bug? Have you tried another door type? Does this happen with every type of door?
    3. Does this also happen, if you don’t connect the door to another door and only use the teleport command from an invisible floor switch or an invisible actor to get the hero teleported to the target door?


    1. Yes I have
    2. All teleporting type items do this to me. I probably should’ve included that piece earlier.
    3. Again. Anything that b rings me from one level to the next does this.


    This sounds like your game is damaged somehow. You could try to create a new test game, place two levels in it and one door for each level. Than all you have to do is to connect the doors with each other and try it out. If the doors are working in your test game, my guess would be there indeed is something in your game, which is damaged.

    I’ll create a test game myself too. The engine has been updated recently and this might have something to do with it. I’m curious if it’s your game or the whole engine. In any case deWiTTERS is the only one, who can help. However, to discuss the issue here probably will help him to save time in order to find the issue.


    I just tested it out:
    If I implement the doors in a proper way without making a mistake, the engine will work. Additionally, I on purpose did something wrong in order to test it. With the bug I placed in my game the game will crash as well, but not exactly the way you described here. Therefore, I guess this is another bug and therefore, I’ll post this in another thread in detail.

    Did you also test it by creating a test game?
    Either way you should ask deWiTTERS to have a look on your actual game. It seems there unfortunately is no workaround to get rid of that bug that easily.


    This has happened with multiple games. And due to me trying to fix it, i end up messing up the game more to the point where i have to restart. I’ve literally created the beginning to the same game at least 50 times now…


    Sometimes you have to mess around with the placement of the doors, as I’ve experienced the same problem before and just had to move the doors around to slightly different places in the level to get them to work. If you have the door in one of the corners of the room, that could be your problem.


    It does sound like your problem is more serious and specific to you though, so sorry if this doesn’t work :/


    You have to use the correct door for indoor levels: A real door is used for outside buildings, and will spawn the character beneath it (else it would spawn the character inside the wall).

    For indoor levels, use the invisible ones or the one with the white glow. That will spawn the hero on top of it.

    i hate life

    The doors aren’t working for me either. It works when the hero goes inside of the house, but when they’re finally inside- they’re stuck in place and can’t move. I’ve tried using most of the doors so far and changing the placement, but it hasn’t worked so far. I’d help you if I knew how to get the doors to work.


    Use the invisible portal like you see here. Or you can also use those visible ones. I took a screenshot from Shae’s latest video 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wldgeiVLww

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