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  • #75276

    Yep, but I lost a lot of it being stupid and got demoralized, so I just ported the ideas to another game I’d been working on during this month, and that’s the one I’ll post tomorrow.

    Edit: Or I wanted to, but time management is not my strong point, really sorry.  So, I guess I have to disqualify myself, but I’ll have some entry version of this up on Monday, whatever state it’s in by then, so you can see it.


    progress shot

    Progress shot.  Really sorry it’s not done in time.


    @eybisea @captainkowlaski264954

    You two are disqualified for being no shows.

    , I suppose you win, even if it is not done on time you at least have a demo. I’m looking forward to seeing your early demo on Monday.

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