Welcome Forums Requests Title screen / Game Over screen

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  • #60337

    An option to add a title screen with existing pixel-art fonts (preferably with themed fonts, for instance:
    Titlescreen1: Fantasy forrest font
    Titlescreen2: Horror font
    Titlescreen3: Magic font
    Titlescreen4: …

    The screen should have option for music selection and simply contain:

    Title: (enter your game name)
    Subtitle: (enter your game subtitle)

    Start game (button)

    The screen could simply be a 70% black semi-transparant screen over the first scene of the game.
    For premium users, option to upload a custom title screen graphic.

    When the Starte game button is clicked, the music fades with the title screen to the first scene of the game.

    This implementation could easily contain a Game Over screen with selectable music as well:

    Using the same font sets as the title screen, containing:

    “Game Over”

    Retry (button)


    Already on the roadmap at https://trello.com/c/9IppIsa6

    Since you have a more extended explanation, I’ll link to this page for extra reference :).

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