Welcome Forums General Unexpected effects with bull rush and when-hurt

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  • #82199

    If we set “Bull rush ability”.”Hit damage” to 0 at design mode it has no effect. We can set this value even below zero using screenplay, which is a good feature. Unfortunately, at design time we cannot also set this value below zero to heal instead of dealing damage.

    Whenever we use a potion without inventory, the when-hurt-event triggers, which is a good feature in order to react to this event. Unfortunately, that goes not for using a potion from inventory. Perhaps, the when-hurt-event should be renamed in on-health-change-event or something similar.

    I guess what I discovered so far are rather missing features than bugs. Therefore, I post them here.


    Thanks for noticing these things! These are indeed things I haven’t thought about.


    Could you please consider to give us a “sender” for the when-hurt-event / on-health-change-event?
    The “sender” is either an actor or an item. If it is an actor or item of the current map, you could provide the actor / item name. If it is an item of the inventory, you also could let us know and provide information of which item was the source. It would be a great improvement, if we are able to react to different hit sources differently.

    Perhaps using items from the inventory should also trigger another new event like on-item-use with the item name or ID as the source.

    Because these are new feature requests, they should be added to a trello ticket.


    Those things require variables, so I have to implement those first.


    OK your’re right to do this with variables. I previousely had something like this in mind:
    if hp change received by actor12345 then

    But yes – it’s probably better to wait until we have variables and do such stuff by using them.

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