Welcome Forums Get help ¿Where is the problem? My hero… ¿Is able to go back alone?

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  • #32380

    See this video: https://youtu.be/1LcaKIAj0SY

    My game: https://rpgplayground.com/game/the-modern-gym

    I want to do the next:

    1. See the intro
    2. Choose be the hero, and teleport to my first level
    3. Go toward the first signal and read a message to introduce the player
    4. Start playing wth key arrows

    In the 4th step, as you can see in the video, the hero… walks automaticaly and then… make disappear all the tilemaps from the level… ¿Why?


    Hey Dr.Héctor!

    I’m not sure exactly what’s happening, but there’s either a piece of the screenplay that is teleporting the hero back to the room, or a door around there doing the same thing. Maybe check if one of those two things are there?


    Hi Comprehensible!

    Thanks for your fast answer but no… I’ve checked all your advices.

    1. My only teleport code. Teleports the hero to the other level: Centro_cultural


    2. Code teleports, exactly, to this door.

    3. At the same point, I’ve put another tilemap, who launchs this code. That’s all.

    Otherwise, as I didn’t know how it works RPG Playground, I created all the levels first, and now I’m coding the behaviour. I had one mistake, when I saw that I have to use the first level as the level who starts when someone’s play. When I detected this, I copied the level, deleted it and change the name to make another as the first and reused as Centro_cultural (sorry if my english is not the best and the process is not really clear…).

    ¿Maybe when I did this process… some bug was instaled in the code?



    I’ll take a look what’s going wrong here


    In the level ‘Centro_cultural’, the invisible floor switch ’empezando_a_jugar’ contains the following last action:

    tilemap becomes inactive

    So if you remove that one, all will be fine 🙂


    Than you @deWitters


    In the level ‘Centro_cultural’, the invisible floor switch ’empezando_a_jugar’ contains the following last action:

    tilemap becomes inactive

    I put the action “becaomes inactive” because if not, when the Hero walks through this tilemap after, he moves to the information post another time. And I need that just the first time that he was teleported to this tilemap moves automatically to read the information.

    Do you understand me?

    If doesn’t work with my idea, I’ll try to make it different 😉


    Yeah, but in that case deactivate the invisible floor switch. Deactivating the tilemap means the background level itself will not be visible anymore.

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