Welcome Forums Introduce yourself Who is Polaris?

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    Who is Polaris?

    Oh. That’d be me! My real name being Eli, I’m a youngin’ of 13 years old.
    This site and project is pretty nostalgic to me, as I was obsessed with it a few years back.
    I even made a (cringey) youtube channel! While going through files on my PC, I found the footage
    of one of those videos I had of RPG Playground. I figured I’d check back, and when I did- everything
    had changed so much! I’m inspired and excited to make some games on here.

    About Polaris?

    About me, hm..? I guess I’ll start with some stuff I like. I’m a geek for shows, movies, and books,
    so lets begin there! I love books on Mythology, my favorite being Egyptian- aswell as older titles.
    My favorite Author is Mark Twain, and my favorite book is Coraline. Moving on to movies, I love
    the horror genre. My favorite, however, will always be Nacho Libre. My favorite show cannot be decided
    between One Piece and Stranger Things. With that out of the way, my hobbies are as follows:
    I like to cook, draw, read, write, and collect stuff. (My favorite form of collecting is via Manga! My favorite Manga
    is Jujutsu Kaisen!) I also like to make fan-edits of entire movies or shows, whether to cut it to fix issues like pacing,
    or to make it more accurate to its original source, or to add back in scenes for an extended cut!

    I think thats it..? Oh yeah- Hello! I hope to have fun in this community. <3


    Welcome. To start, make a simple game. If you make an outline, characters, scenarios, you will not get lost in the development.
    In the forums you have expert people who will help you if you have questions.
    I also like books, in my case Jules Verne among others.

    un saludo


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