Welcome Forums Requests Wishes/Suggestions needed!

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    The following is a list of features I wish for – because I need them for the continuation of my games…


    – make an Actor/Character invisible and delete events

    – choices

    – weather effects (sun, rain, wind, snow aso.) and day/night option (make the screen darker/brighter; intensity of colors; light cone in dark areas; aso…)

    – visual special effects (like pulling a switch; a door opens aso.)

    – audio special effects (when pulling the switch, a sound is being played; same with doors, maybe footsteps – like on snowy grounds, a scream, dog barks…..)

    – change the hero sprite in an event

    – copy events

    – change the fighting options of the hero later/ inside of an event (e.g. when the hero receives a sword after some time)


    These features are necessary for the games I currently make.

    If anyone has another request for their games, please feel free to post it here!




    Hey Aura,

    Thanks for your suggestions! It really helps me prioritize my work. I’m building RPG Playground for the enjoyment of my users, so let me know what you want! 🙂

    Some feedback on your items:

    Finishing up the following today:
    – audio special effects (when pulling the switch, a sound is being played; same with doors, maybe footsteps – like on snowy grounds, a scream, dog barks…..)

    But remark that they are not customizable yet! They will just come included in RPG Playground. And yes, I already implemented the footsteps (but not online yet), and they sound good :).

    Features that can only happen after I rework the screenplays:

    I’m going to rework screenplays, so that in the long run they are:

    1. More user friendly.
    2. More powerful. This means that technology wise, they will be as powerful as programming.

    After I reworked the framework, the following becomes available (remark that I want to do only the necessary work on the framework, and nothing more. This way I can make the following features as early available to you as possible):

    – make an Actor/Character invisible and delete events

    – choices

    – change the hero sprite in an event

    – change the fighting options of the hero later/ inside of an event (e.g. when the hero receives a sword after some time)

    The following is still high up my list, but the above features will be there sooner:

    – weather effects (sun, rain, wind, snow aso.) and day/night option (make the screen darker/brighter; intensity of colors; light cone in dark areas; aso…)

    – visual special effects (like pulling a switch; a door opens aso.)

    I still have to think about doing the following:

    – copy events

    I mainly have to think about how a copy-paste framework should fit into RPG Playground, where multiple things could be copy-pasted.


    As always, check my public roadmap on Trello, and vote on your favorite features. As it is now, both “Screen effects such as rain, mist, …” and “water tiles” are leading the charts with 5 votes.


    Okay – one more request:

    • Change the starting area (Starting map)
    • special effects/ create your own special effects (e.g. throw a fireball, but it should explode when hitting the enemy)

    (I’ll advance this list if I have more 🙂 )


    Yeah, that one was requested before, but it was not yet on the roadmap. So I added it https://trello.com/c/j8eJ3tHL

    There is a workaround where you can place an invisible plate right underneath the hero that instantly takes you to your real starting level. But it is not that user friendly, I agree ;).


    I am probably speaking for a general group of people here on the RPG Playground community and you might be getting this question a lot but do you know if you are going to add a form of water tile to the game maker? If so, could you give us your thought on it? But as a community we also have to put into perspective that I’m assuming you are not the creator for the tiles/sprites in this game, so I understand why certain things may take a while to finish for the developer.

    -Thank you.


    I have a “suggestion”. We need a button for messages and friends on the actual maker so that we can share our ideas and thoughts on a certain game or what not, now I know the Forums are a thing but maybe the messages could be a more direct way of messaging other users on the platform instead of constantly having to mention each other. It would also be a way of sharing links with each other to your games, almost like other media platforms i.g Twitter, Facebook, & so on.
    -Thank you.


    Final suggestion for the night is that maybe we could have a simple but efficient way to look up people’s levels, whether it be a search bar or a category filter or something like that. It would be a way to help games that have been replaced with newer ones on the front page to still get the recognition that they wanted/need in order to motivate them to create more games on the sight.

    -Thank you.


    Water is one of the most requested features. See https://trello.com/c/cQ3O2eeT/22-water-tiles for details.

    Social features on the website are under active development. This means each game gets its own page, with comments. Games can be searchable etc. I hope to create a nice community with more communication and feedback.

    Games will also be indexed by google, attracting more players based on the title and description of the game.


    I posted this on Trello already (under New Action: change actor direction), but its important, so I’ll post it here too:

    We need a ‘wait’ command! Right now you can only use dots (“…”-text), or make characters move somewhere to achieve a little cut between the actions! That’s a bit inconvenient…


    Alright, added it under it’s own topic. Start voting! 🙂 https://trello.com/c/DrLSSkRA


    Hi! I have a few requests. One idea that I had was to be able to give specific enemies or enemies in a certain area more hit points or ability to do more damage, rather than all of that type of enemy. I think this feature could also work for bosses. I’m pretty sure this next one has been requested before, but I’ll mention it anyway: copy and paste! I’ve been working on a game where the Npcs recite poetry, and I’ve spent quite a while typing it out. I think that about covers it! (Also, a party system would be cool, but I understand how time-consuming it probably is to work on that.) Thanks!


    Hello! Most games out there unfortunately are incomplete and there is no way to find out if they are complete or not unless you play them. A good thing would be to give users a counter similar to “thumbs up” for marking games as complete and let us find games sorted by the complete mark. While “thumbs up” is a judgement, “game complete” would indicate just a state, if players consider a game as completed.


    Hi! I’m having trouble accessing the trello forum on my computer for some reason, so I don’t know if this was suggested or not, so pardon me if it’s already been requested.

    The game I am currently creating (and my first game in general) have areas that tend to be very filled. It’s hard to tell what is interact-able because the invisible actors are, well, invisible! Would it be possible to add a sort of glint or sparkle to indicate something can be interacted with?

    Something that could possibly look like: “invisible_actor1 sparkle becomes active” and the default is inactive. Or if the default is active, it’s “invisible_actor1 sparkle becomes inactive”. Something like that would be extremely helpful so players aren’t just ramming their sprite against an object, unsure if you can interact with it.

    Also, for the topic of a night function, I’ve currently just put a shadow over the entire area to give it a night feel. The I think there’s 2 different shadows you can layer, depending on how dark you want it. Thought it might be helpful!


    Particles is on the roadmap, and I partly implemented that already. So that could be used for your sparkle. I think particles is still for a release this year :).

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