A Mouse’s Tale
Published 12.11.2021 12:11
by Jbz99
Total plays: 723
A short RPG in which you play a mouse who is a single father of one. On the day of his daughter's birthday, she disappears. Is she ok? Is she just grieving the death of her mother, or is something more sinister going on? Multiple secrets to find, as well as a compelling story. Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes. If you like this game, feel free to check out the others in my series, Dove Dream, and Snake Song.
Oh ho ho., this is gonna be good! >:}
I was correct.
It’s ok.
I kept dying. Way too many bad guys on the first thing.
Therz literally 1
In the sewer
So the second level?
Hey, I’m sorry your struggling, but here is a few tips.
-Without spoiling too much, if you have the weapon already, the first enemy should die in a few hits. Try timing your hits instead of spamming.
-Only the first enemy will come after you in that stage, the other three will stay put. If you stay a bit away from them, they can’t hit you.
-The final boss fight is a little trickier, but again timing your hits help.
-Also, the weapon upgrade helps, if you can find it (I won’t say more for fear of spoiling others)
There you go! I hope you are able to overcome it, and more importantly, have fun!
Thanks for giving me a real answer unlike some creators, @Jbz99
We got to 200 plays! Thank you all so much!
this is cute and really well made!
Very cute and fun, thanks for making this 🙂
how do u get past the dog?
oh, wait you need the bone from the rat skeleton
I never imagined my first game would get so big! I didn’t think this many people would be interested in a chill, short, (and honestly kind of sappy) little game! When I saw that you could change the appearance of actors, I thought I would make a game entirely out of animals, and here we are. Thank you all for your support and feedback, and thank you to deWITTERS for making this incredible platform! I will also shout out “Wesley”, “ThehappyItsnotamistake”, and “Happy” for following me. If you would like to see more like this game, feel free to check out my other game, “Snake Song”. Thank you all for the 300 plays, and happy gaming!
Daughter: “Thanks for the gift right after I almost just died.”
Father: “What gift?”
Daughter: “Oh no.”
And that’s when you realize, you have to restart the entire game to grab the right item, in order to get the bonus scene at the end. >:)
Nice game
The big 400 plays!!!! Wow! I am genuinely grateful! If you enjoyed this game, feel free to check out the other’s in the series, Snake Song, and Dove Dream. Thanks again love how supportive and friendly this community is. Happy gaming!
Love it
i played and beat this game a while ago. pretty good! most games on rpg playground only allow you to play as a human, so this game stands out pretty well!
Thanks! If you want a little longer of an animal focussed game, I also have two other games in the series, that all link together, Snake Song and Dove Dream. I’m hoping to continue the series if all goes well.
cool! next time i play, i’ll check out your other games!
500… Speechless. Wow.