Thanks! I don’t wanna give any spoilers but I’ll give you a hint, it’s down in the basement. (You gotta interact with almost everything in the furnace room to find the keys to unlock the doors in the next room.)
I think it’s a premium-only feature but the action is “interface opens with title, icon, and button” then you can put whatever you want in the title, description, button, and you can also customize the icon. And with the inventory stuff, I just made a custom item and put the action “hero receives item “[Item Name]””.
I don’t wanna give any spoilers but in the furnace room you gotta check everything, there’s a pickaxe in the next room inside the chest but it’s locked with a key.
Thank you so much! So I just checked this and I think there is a bug with the recent update since this is with all items. I fixed it now by making a new item for it so you should be all good now.
I saw in a forum around 8 months ago by Macmor that he used the glow tiles to make a firefly forest, then I watched one of RPG Playground’s videos on YouTube when I was first starting out and that’s how I found out where they are. Also, another cool thing I didn’t find out until around a month ago, is that in “REFMAP indoor” there’s a blank spot between the doors where a window glow tile is. It’s supposed to make an illusion that a window is on a left wall. Some people use it for glare though.
There are a lot of things to interact with in every room, but I’ll give you a hint, try interacting with the water on the first floor. 😉 And the pickaxe has a use on the lowest floor with blue crystals. It’s sort of hard, but the pieces align once you find some secrets!
You know, I might add a statue or something to give you hints sometime. Although for now, I’ll give you one hint: try to interact with EVERYTHING, like dressers, drawers, paintings, etc…
awesome game! one of absolute favorites! in fact, i loved the game so much, and i was really inspired by the key system! i don’t have the premium version of rpg playground though, so i had to get a little creative, and i eventually made a key system of my own! btw my game isn’t done yet, but when its finished, i would LOVE it if you played it! you really inspired me to keep going, even things got tough, and i’m almost finished with my game! so i would love to have you play it!
okay. i do have one problem with the game. the way you find the green key is very anticlimactic. (i won’t say how you get any of the keys so i don’t accidentally spoil anything) but, the red and blue keys are found in really unique and climactic ways! like with a pickaxe or water bucket. but you literally don’t need anything to get the green key! the only thing difficult about the green key is figuring out where you put it. (which i won’t say) but, if you ever update the game again, i won’t like to see some sort of challenge or cool puzzle to get the green key!
Thanks for your feedback! I don’t plan on changing the game much in the future…but will keep this in mind for the second game! I hope to have a unique puzzle for each key, or whatever you’ll need to collect in the next game. Maybe even a boss fight? Thanks again for letting me know!
(meanwhile, me walking around literally anything trying to find the blue key:)
i did beat this game. in about 15-20 minutes. my iq is not very high in my opinion
the dungeon is a house. i just realised that. its called a dungeon, yet there are parts of it that actually make it hospitable! i’m starting to wonder if this game has lore…
The Gold Key is hidden in the room behind the different colored orbs. You gotta find the green, red, and blue key to unlock that room! Hint: Stuff can be hidden everywhere: paintings, plants, random spots!
I really enjoyed this! The levels were well-designed, and the searching for the keys aspect was challenging without being tedious. I’d like to see more puzzle games like this on the platform in the future
Nice game! Had me looking in every part of everything!
it was really fun same thing i did!!!
where da hek is da red key???
btw good game
Thanks! I don’t wanna give any spoilers but I’ll give you a hint, it’s down in the basement. (You gotta interact with almost everything in the furnace room to find the keys to unlock the doors in the next room.)
cool, thx
i really enjoy play your game!!
Thank you!
How did you make the key thing pop up?
I think it’s a premium-only feature but the action is “interface opens with title, icon, and button” then you can put whatever you want in the title, description, button, and you can also customize the icon. And with the inventory stuff, I just made a custom item and put the action “hero receives item “[Item Name]””.
It is prenium only D:
This game is so fun and so well made, all the other popular ones are o.k. but this one is amazing. Well done, well done.
Wow, thank you!
AH how do I break the red key out of the crystal?!
I don’t wanna give any spoilers but in the furnace room you gotta check everything, there’s a pickaxe in the next room inside the chest but it’s locked with a key.
It’s a cool little game
Hi, I love your game. When I’m on the golden key, i Can’t pick it up
Thank you so much! So I just checked this and I think there is a bug with the recent update since this is with all items. I fixed it now by making a new item for it so you should be all good now.
How did you make the lampposts at the start glow?
In between the shadows in “REFMAP buildings” there’s a glow tile.
How did you find it? There’s literally no indication on that spot
I saw in a forum around 8 months ago by Macmor that he used the glow tiles to make a firefly forest, then I watched one of RPG Playground’s videos on YouTube when I was first starting out and that’s how I found out where they are. Also, another cool thing I didn’t find out until around a month ago, is that in “REFMAP indoor” there’s a blank spot between the doors where a window glow tile is. It’s supposed to make an illusion that a window is on a left wall. Some people use it for glare though.
😀 Wow, thanks! Glad you like it!
I beat it…BARLY IT WAS THE HARDEST THING EVER…but when I fand the key that was in the plant it was ez
I like what you did with the shadows in the gold key room!
Thank you!
Super Fun!!
Thank you! Glad you like it!
how do i get past first area
There’s keys hidden in some places that aren’t visible, try checking the paintings.
This game is EPIC
Thank you!
were is the blue key?
There are a lot of things to interact with in every room, but I’ll give you a hint, try interacting with the water on the first floor. 😉 And the pickaxe has a use on the lowest floor with blue crystals. It’s sort of hard, but the pieces align once you find some secrets!
what do you do with the picaxe?
I already had the green key but I didn’t know. I was just looking everywhere! 😀
Can you add hints in the comments to every stage plzzz
You know, I might add a statue or something to give you hints sometime. Although for now, I’ll give you one hint: try to interact with EVERYTHING, like dressers, drawers, paintings, etc…
I beat the game.
There are some shortcuts by the way.
You can get to the chest without opening the room
awesome game! one of absolute favorites! in fact, i loved the game so much, and i was really inspired by the key system! i don’t have the premium version of rpg playground though, so i had to get a little creative, and i eventually made a key system of my own! btw my game isn’t done yet, but when its finished, i would LOVE it if you played it! you really inspired me to keep going, even things got tough, and i’m almost finished with my game! so i would love to have you play it!
Thank you very much! I’m very happy I could inspire you! And yes! I would love to play your game when it’s finished, what is it called?
sorry it took me a while to respond! my game is called heroes of taliness. pretty good so far!
No, no worries! Can’t wait to play it!
I like iiit!!!!! Especially the open ending!!
My pleasure!
okay. i do have one problem with the game. the way you find the green key is very anticlimactic. (i won’t say how you get any of the keys so i don’t accidentally spoil anything) but, the red and blue keys are found in really unique and climactic ways! like with a pickaxe or water bucket. but you literally don’t need anything to get the green key! the only thing difficult about the green key is figuring out where you put it. (which i won’t say) but, if you ever update the game again, i won’t like to see some sort of challenge or cool puzzle to get the green key!
Thanks for your feedback! I don’t plan on changing the game much in the future…but will keep this in mind for the second game! I hope to have a unique puzzle for each key, or whatever you’ll need to collect in the next game. Maybe even a boss fight? Thanks again for letting me know!
i mean i would. (i type pretty fast, so i accidentally wrote won’t)
Omg that was a lot of fun!
This makes me want to get premium.
Thank you! Premium is a really nice addition, and I think it’s really worth it if you’re thinking about getting it.
Maybe I’ll consider buying It when I become an adult!
Smh imagine asking for help couldn’t be me. /j
(meanwhile, me walking around literally anything trying to find the blue key:)
i did beat this game. in about 15-20 minutes. my iq is not very high in my opinion
lol, great job though!
haha yes, i had to check the comments to figure out how to get the red
the dungeon is a house. i just realised that. its called a dungeon, yet there are parts of it that actually make it hospitable! i’m starting to wonder if this game has lore…
it was so cool I looked in the comments to do it
Very good game
Thank you!
i escaped
😀 Nice!
Where is the gold key???
The Gold Key is hidden in the room behind the different colored orbs. You gotta find the green, red, and blue key to unlock that room! Hint: Stuff can be hidden everywhere: paintings, plants, random spots!
This game is cool, but i cant get out of the ” To be continued…”.
Thanks! That’s intentional, marking the end of the game.
has lo que cargue más rápido
I really enjoyed this! The levels were well-designed, and the searching for the keys aspect was challenging without being tedious. I’d like to see more puzzle games like this on the platform in the future