STREET FIGHTER ASSASSIN’S – Update / v1.10.4 – (Fighting Game)
Published 21.01.2024 10:01
by Cali Game Designer
Total plays: 201
-"A Fighting Game where you are an ASSASSIN and you must kill everyone on the HIT LIST first Start game, Select Character, Then get a Payment to make the Hit". ( Don't forget to SAVE )( 7/27) Hits available now more coming soon)............................................................. ( v0.0.0)-> = how to use update numbers = (version #Number Here )-(Major Updates #Number Here)-(Bug Fixes #Number Here ). Hope That Helps. Please Like and Follow
cool game, but why does it take so long to beat the boss?
Thanks, It’s just for test. im gonna mess with it today.
nice (:
An actual fighting game finally someone makes one
Awesome I made a save . When is next fight?
Coming Soon! still in progress thanks for playing.
I love the subway Train and the ship fight pretty cool
how do you make the door appear when the actor dies? I’m trying to make a similar game but I can’t figure it out
This is a pretty late answer to your question, but I think I know. Go into the actor’s behaviors, and scroll to the health and death section. Click into the “when hurt” behavior. Add an if statement checking if the actor’s health is less than or equal to 0. This would mean they are dead. In the case that their health is less than or equal to 0, add a line making the door active. Then it should appear when the actor dies.
Well, I just read the other comments on this game and figured out that the creator already answered your question. So I sorta just wasted your time. Sorry about that.
I went into the hole, but on the 3rd guy I got stuck because he wasn’t there and I couldn’t advance
Ok thank you i will check it and work on an update today.
Bug should be Fixed now also Fixed a couple other Bugs thank you if you notice anything else please let me know . Also Working on next fight probably be done Tonight or Tomorrow ….
yes.. i set a invisible switch at Entrance rite where you pop in and the setting were set to the next door to be inactive . then i set the Enemy Actor when Health is below 0 the door becomes Active again.
ohh ok thank you
your welcome and thank you.
Also, is the premium one time purchase?
ok, I might get it than
its worth it i’ve enjoyed making games a lot more sense i got premium. plus you will have any new tools the developer decides to add in the future so they say
great, i’ll get it soon…
also, I’m testing things on yours and I found that the first fight you can go back through the door you came from but it leads to the character selection
Yes i have it set up that way for player to switch characters if desired.
ok great
I like how each fight has its own unique setting. They’re all very well-decorated, too.